UWIB Membership Guidelines and Policies

Creating an inclusive community of respect, support and positivity is something the leaders of the United Women in Business (UWIB) strive to create through each event and interaction.

Our Guidelines:

  1. Create a safe space.

    UWIB is a safe-space for female-identifying members and allies. We treat everyone with respect and dignity.

  2. Ask, don't assume.

    We all come from different backgrounds. Please respect this diversity and be curious about backgrounds, experiences, etc.

  3. No solicitation of any kind.

    UWIB is a place of education, learning, and community. We do not allow individuals to sell their own products or services without explicit written permission of UWIB President.

  4. Zero tolerance for hateful language or actions.

    Each of us plays a role in creating a positive, and inclusive community where each member has a sense of belonging. Discussions, posts, or actions that promote hatred, discrimination or intolerance of any kind have a zero tolerance policy and will result in permanent removal from our events (without a refund of any kind), online communities, and member database.

Our policies:

  • If anyone (including but not limited to members, non-member guests, exhibitors, speakers, staff, volunteers, or members of the press) violates the code of conduct, the Chapter President or authorized representative will warn them about their behavior. We intend that one warning will result in behavioral change. The second strike of any kind will result in the removal of the person from any UWIB event, public forum, discussion group, etc. Should more than three members reach out about the same member, this will result in automatic removal of that member.

  • Certain and explicit egregious violations, such as the promotion of violence, hatred, and harassment of any kind may result in removal without warning.

  • Chapters reserve the right to make that judgment without prior notice if necessary.

  • For those not registered as a member, Chapters reserve the right to ask registered attendees to not attend events in advance or leave events if there are concerns about member comfort and safety. Should the registered attendee not respect the wishes of the Chapter, they will be asked to leave by the partnering venue.

Contact your local UWIB Chapter President or email foundation@uwibfoundation.org to raise a concern regarding potential violations of the above UWIB Membership and Engagement Guidelines. Should you have any concerns or questions about this, please email us directly.