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UWIB: The Double Life: Pursing Your Passion and Paycheck

Join us for an exciting panel discussion on Monday, June 26, 2023. We're bringing together local NYC women who have successfully balanced their side hustles with their full-time jobs.

🔥 Gain invaluable insights and experiences from these inspiring panelists on how to navigate the challenges of juggling multiple commitments while pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams.

⏰ Discover how they managed to balance their time, energy, and focus between their day jobs and side hustles. 

🚀 Learn the strategies they used to overcome challenges and grow their businesses while maintaining their careers. 

Register now to reserve your spot!

May 24

Webinar: UWIB x Manhattan Wellness: Live Your Best Life

July 26

UWIB NYC: Summer Serenade - An Evening in the Park