Have you felt overwhelmed, inadequate, or defeated lately?
The rollercoaster of life has been nauseating at best recently and it’s time to get off the ride and be(come) your highest self. How are you honoring your authentic, genuine self and calibrating to your dreams, goals, and ambitions in life?
During this workshop UWIB Members will learn from Carolynn how to:
Shred the should’s we have been given
Create personal standing ovation routines
Remove the work armor and truly connect with others
We will discuss actionable tactics and strategies to increase self-confidence, connect with others, and honor our highest self, both professionally and personally. Bring a pen and paper (or an electronic device) to sketch out different ideas and takeaways.
There will be live participation from our audience members to engage in experiences together. Please come prepared to participate, have your cameras on, and let the good times rock and roll!